Friday, February 26, 2016

Fantasy Conversion Rules

I love Star Wars, the Star Wars galaxy, and the kinds of stories you can tell there.  However, sometimes when playing tabletop RPGs, I really want to play a fantasy game.  After all, I started out in Dungeons and Dragons, and there are a lot of really good stories to tell in that genre.  So, with that in mind, I have created a conversion to give you what you need to play fantasy games using the FFG Star Wars system.  Here is the link to the 100 page pdf:

This file contains new careers, races, specializations, a magic system, and adversaries to allow you to give it a a try.  This came about when we took a break from our D&D game to try the Edge of the Empire Beginner's game.  We really liked the Star Wars system, but didn't want to lose the storyline that we had been working on for several months.  So, I made the conversion.  Since then, my gaming group and I have completed three campaigns with this system, and we are really enjoying it.

I would love any feedback.


  1. With Genesys now here do you see yourself revamping/updating your conversion?

    1. Well, my genesys core book won't get here until Christmas, so I won't know until I get a chance to really check it out then.

      But from what I have seen so far, it isn't too far off of what I have been doing, although my magic system is more complicated it seems.

      I'm actually hoping they decide to do some kind of online marketplace or license so I could start publishing content for the system. As of yet I have not heard that they plan to do so, but we will see.
